Top 10 Alkaline Foods help to reduce the risk of acidity, in India, most foods are made to be acidic and in such cases add in your food dead food to reduce such risk.
Add Alkaline Food In Your Diet

Add lots of food to your diet to reduce the risk of acidity. As we all know health is wealth and if you are healthy everything will be good. Pay attention to your diet. Acids are aqueous solutions that have a pH level of less than 7.0 and alkaline has a pH level of more than 7.0 simply means acids are sour and corrosive and neutralize acids. So, in such cases try to eat more and more alkaline food to improve digestion also.

Top 10 Alkaline Foods

If you are habitual of eating red meat and lots of oily and junk food you must include food also to reduce any risk regarding your health. Here is a list of some foods that can be included in your diet.
- Green Vegetables- Green vegetables as we all know are good for your health and diet without any reason green vegetables are full of minerals and vitamins. Spinach lettuce, mustard leaves, and celery are some of the green vegetables which contain it. Green vegetables are also good for your eyes.
- vegetables like sweet potato, beet roots carrots are some of the vegetables that are good sources of alkaline. Roasted sweet potatoes with little seasoning are good in taste and taste. But overcooked vegetables may lose their goodness so it is important for you to cook these with all your attention.
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