Cody Rhodes Critisize Rock’s Remark During SmackDown

The Rock’s controversial remarks during the WWE SmackDown event drew criticism from Cody Rhodes.Its all begin when Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson made controversial comments during the SmackDown program that aired on March 1st, WWE Superstar Cody Rhodes didn’t take long to express his outrage.

Check out how the two wrestlers got into a furious argument after the incident, which happened at the Desert Diamond Arena in Glendale, Arizona.

What Happened When Rock And Cody Rhodes Got Into An Argument?

When wrestler turn actor The Rock made an appearance in front of a live audience, he gave a rant that suggested the people in the arena were using illegal drugs, which shocked and unnerved the crowd.

Cody Rhodes immediately critisize Rock statement. Cody Phodes had a bout after the episode ended, and he used the occasion to criticize The Rock for his remarks. He spoke with his cousin Burkley, who was in the audience, to clarify what had been said and to let the fans know that he disapproved of the comments made, emphasizing how inappropriate they were in the presence of children in the audience.

The Rock earlier challenged Rhodes and fellow WWE star Seth Rollins to a tag battle at WrestleMania 40, which sparked the current issue. After Rhodes first declined a one-on-one match in the ring, fans are now waiting to see how he responds to The Rock’s bold counteroffer the following week.
The WWE community is buzzing with commentary as the stakes between these titans of wrestling seem to be rising. Comment here with your thoughts on Cody Rhodes’s critique of The Rock’s statements.

Read This Also – The Rock Does A Promo Before WWE SmackDown

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