Non Cooperation Movement is very important phase in the Indian Independence. The non cooperation movement was started by Mahatma Gandhi on 5th September 1920 with the object of attaining the full Independence from the British Government.After the Jalianwala Bagh massacre and also the Rowlatt Act happened.
The reason why Mahatma Gandhi started the non cooperation movement was the Jallianwala Bagh massacre that happened on 13th April 1919,Jallianwala Bagh is in Amritsar, Punjab, where large no. of civilian died when acting general Reginald Dyer order to fire into the crowd present there around 1200 people injured where as 379 people died.
Jallianwala Bagh is one of the biggest reason of starting the non cooperation movement. Gandhi said we are cooperating with the British Government if we did not cooperate British Government will automatically collapsed.
The other reason of starting the non cooperation movement was the Rowlatt Act. The Rowlatt Act was passed by the Imperial Legislative Council under this act anybody found roaming can be arrested by the police without any prior notice.
Mahatma Gandhi started the non cooperation movement to show that now we are standing together against the unjust of the British Government and for attaining the self government.
The non cooperative movement is generally a movement started by the mahatma Gandhi is a non violence attempt where no violence is made just no cooperation is made as the word suggest.
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People on the government post resign and not buying any products from the Britisher established company and also one of the important feature of the non cooperation movement is removing the untouchablity from the society this movement also known as the “Satyagrah” in Hindi.
Why Mahatma Gandhi stopped the movement?
Mahatma Gandhi declared the movement stopped in February 1922 when Chauri Chaura incident happened. Chauri Chaura incident result the death of the 3 civilians as well as the around 22 policeman at place called Chauri Chaura at Gorakhpur a clash between the civilian protesting and the policeman when police station was set on fire.
Gandhi was shocked by the happening of the Chauri Chaura incident and said that people of India is not ready to revolt for the freedom struggle. The non cooperation movement is considered to be the successful movement in the history and it almost shake the roots of the British Government.
Impact of the non cooperation movement
Though Mahatma Gandhi work hard and started the non cooperation movement in September 1920 but it called off in February 1922 due to the Chauri Chaura incident where a mob set on fire the police station and 22 policeman died and 3 civilians also died this incident made Mahatma Gandhi stopped the movement by saying that people were not ready to struggle for the freedom but many big leaders including Jawahar Lal Nehru did not want the non cooperation movement called off.
This movement through a great impact on the people of the India they taste the struggle for freedom. The non cooperation movement shook the roots of the Britisher. In the hearts of people their blow the fighting sprite for freedom which proved very beneficial during the Civil Disobedience and Quit India Movement.
The non cooperation movement was set off due to the incident of Chauri Chaura but some historian say that Mahatma Gandhi withdraw the non cooperation movement because he will be blamed for this incident. Mahatma Gandhi didn’t want to spoil his image.
Many leader was arrested during the non cooperation movement and after Chauri Chaura incident. Mahatma Gandhi was also arrested and was imprisoned for six years. Swaraj Party was formed by Motilal Nehru and Chittaranjan Das because they no more want to work under Gandhi leadership.
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