In the list of the beautiful and expensive homes the first position goes to the Antilia, Mumbai, India. The Antilia belongs to the Ambani the most rich person. Antilia estimated value 82 billion rupees, Antilia has 27 story building which spread over 400,000 square foot and it is said that the building is strong enough to survive an earthquake.
Who is in the world who don't know about Buckingham Palace. Buckingham Palace no doubt is the worlds best home in the world, a residence of Queen of England. Buckingham Palace valued at £1.17 billion. It has 775 rooms which also includes the rooms for the staffs apart special or royal rooms for guest with total of 78 bathrooms and 92 offices.The Palace was full of expensive masterpiece. It is a dream to see the Buckingham Palace in in front of your eye. If you ever been to London never miss the opportunity to visit the Palace.
This villa Leopolda falls in the third position. Villa leopolda is the oldest and most beautiful property in France. Its estimated value is $750 millions and it is located in the city of Villefranche-sur-Mer. The place has several owners which includes Gianni and Marella Agnelli, Izaak and Dorothy J. Killam, Lily Safra who was widow of Lebanese banker William Safrainherited the villa in 1987.
One of the expensive apartment in the world come in the list of the best home in the world. It is very popular sky rising apartment which is located in Hydra Park in London. It value was estimated as $2 Billion. Best place for the dream home lovers who want a luxurious home it is a best deal for them. The place also offers various luxury benefits it also has amenities like swimming pools, salons and spa also. The place is located in the center of the city where big personalities find their dream home.