Harvard Museum of Natural History, Timing, Fee & Tips

Harvard Museum of Natural History is located at the campus of the Harvard University in Massachusetts is a natural History museum. It display many specimen which is drawn by the students and the university’s Natural History research. There are 3 natural department of History that is Harvard University Zoology, Harvard Mineralogical Museum and Harvard University Herbartia.

History Of The Harvard Museum

The Harvard Museum of Natural History is created around 1998 as public Face. There are 3 main research museum that is Comparative Zoology, Mineralogical and Geological Museum and Herbaria.

The University provide information and ideas also launches various programs for members and general public, researchers provide expertise research facility also draws an exhibition to the collection of History.  The visitors in these exhibition is the mare than 210,000 visitors in 2013 and it become the most visited museum. Harvard Museum is among the 4 museum that are a part of consortium in 2012.

Harvard Museum Of Natural History Tips To Visitors

harvard museum of natural history

The most visited Harvard Museum is one of the very popular places to visit. Here are some of the information regarding the visit to the museum.

Harvard Museum is among the four Harvard Museum Of Science and culture. If you are taken an admission to the Harvard Museum of Natural History you can also visit to Peobody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology.

Visit the website for information regarding parking and free lectures and for the special days in the museum.

Do not wait in line when you enter through Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology department. hmnh.harvard.edu

harvard museum of natural history

Harvard Square allows an opportunity for dinning, films, shopping and also fr performing the art for students.

There was great Mammal Hall have some very interesting creatures like Zebra, sloth, Lemurs  and many other.

Visitors safety is the first priority for more details regarding the safety of the visitors do make sure to visit the website of Museum.

The Harvard Museum of Natural History is located at the 3rd floor and it is open for all the visitors. The left of the building at the North Entrance it entrance located.

Admission Fees And Timings

harvard museum of natural history

Adults had to pay $15

Students but not from Harvard should come with their ID with $10 fee

Seniors citizens 65 + age $13

Children above 3 to 18 $10

Children under 3 years are free to enter

Card Holder with EBT is free

Students from Harvard are free to enter

Resident of the Massachusetts are free with their ID.

Timings are on Wednesday in September to May is 5 pm and on Sundays in 9 noon years. Visitors must come with their ID’s.

Exhibition At The Harvard Museum Of Natural History

The Harvard Museum of Natural History has a plenty of attractive and colorful exhibits that is most loved and fun for children as well as for adults. The perfect place for children to learn by visiting the place, if you are tourist you will definitely love the place. You can tour to the Earth and planetary Science room there you find thousands of gems and minerals.

There is a rock room and just outside rock room you will find the Glass Flower one of the most attractive things in the museum. The Glass Flower is made in Germany by some naturalist artists Leopold and Rudolph Blasehka a father and son they are rare artist and the glass Flower is made of entirely a glass and in some part supported by wire as needed.

There is also Arthropods Rooms where there are 80% species from all over the world displayed. You will get some of close up with spider, various creepy insects and microscopic mites as well. You will also get to see the dinosaurs skeleton that is arranged in good way. A must place to visit.

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